During the holiday season, it is common for people to visit with friends and family and attend events, parties, and work functions. It's no wonder why someone would want to look their best at this time of year. Putting your holiday beauty prep into a clear order helps you look your best and save time. Below, we want to highlight a few important things to keep in mind as you're getting ready to look your finest.
First, if you need a spray tan because cold dark days have your skin looking a bit pale, you shouldn't go straight for waxing or a shave. After a spray tan, you must let the materials remain on your skin untouched. Just as you wouldn't wash off a spray tan in a shower, you don't want to pull off the spray tan by using wax. Waxing after a spray tan typically leave a person with odd tan lines. The rule to follow is to always go for waxing before your tan.
After going for hair removal Staten Island, it is important that you give your skin at least 24 hours to rest. Those who exercise, wear tight clothing, or go for a tan run the risk of developing a rash or ingrown hair. Typically, irritated skin lasts for several days, which is unpleasant and often unsightly. Waxing removes hair from the follicle, which means you can go for a wax several days before a party and still have perfectly smooth skin.
With waxing and hair removal Staten Island, you have time between getting the procedure done and getting to your event. On the other hand, you'll want to get a pedicure and manicure as close to your departure as possible (even the day of if you can). one reason to do this is that so much can happen, causing your nails to break or chip. A better reason to do this is the nourishing and hydrating creams they use to make your hands and feet look perfect and polished.